T’was a few days after Christmas and all through the house… Not a creature dared pooping – not even a mouse! Why? Because the toilets weren’t flushing, all drains over gushing – and the smell? OH, SO DISGUSTING!
Yep – it really happened. We live out in the country. We have a septic system. It was no one’s fault other than our own. We FORGOT to have it pumped in October like we normally do. It over filled and the pump couldn’t keep up – very long story – so much more to it than that.
Huge KUDDOS to our plumber, the septic system company that really knows their shit (pun intended) and family members who helped mop up, clean, and disinfect the noxious aftermath!
Moral of the story – October has a new ghoulie meaning – the cauldron is brewing – time to get moving and doing!